Monday, August 20, 2018

The Grace Coma

The fact that the title of Charles Swindoll’s 1990 release, The Grace Awakening, prompted the title for these little thoughts of mine should in no way be construed as a swipe at that author. I love Swindoll’s writings. I always have. The aforementioned book, regularly reprinted, calls believers to not simply believe the doctrines of grace, but to also live according to the power of grace. From time to time, we need such reminders. The “practical religion” dimension of Christianity all too easily descends into a pattern of lists for holy living. Such lists (law) are imposed by one Christian or leadership entity onto others, culminating in believers descending into a spiritual morass of constant striving and moral failing.

However, a number of folks in the past have also said things to this effect, “Wherever grace is preached accurately, someone is going to find a way to twist it.” In fact, Peter may have been the first. Speaking of the Lord’s patience, which leads to our salvation:

15And count the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, 16as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and the unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other scriptures.  – 2 Peter 3:15, 16

Is it far-fetched to suggest that the pendulum has swung a bit on this matter of grace (as falsely embraced) and law? While we will always need warnings against trying to secure God’s favor by our own meritorious deeds, I don’t get the sense that too many Christians are trying to do that these days. In many quarters of Christendom, the legalist has been effectively marginalized, and rightly so. But, are modern notions of grace that have pushed aside legalism the same as that grace of which Paul (or, for that matter, Swindoll) wrote?

Grace, improperly understood, leads to license. By grace, we are saved, but saved from what? We are saved from the wrath of God. We are saved from the eternal punishment of our sins. We are saved from the current power of sin over our lives. More and more, I am not so sure that the modern church even acknowledges these things as dangers. 

Grace reminds us that we are free from the law and from the horrors that accompany all attempts to merit God’s favor. We need to be awakened to these truths often. On the other hand, counterfeit grace, cheap grace, easy believism … label it as you wish … is pandemic in this current church age and it renders believers comatose to important themes such as the holiness of God, the heinousness of sin, the depravity of an unrepentant soul, distinct moral positions as old as Genesis, as well as a plethora of other themes essential to orthodox Christian practice. The notion of mortifying one’s sinful natures, that is, accepting some participatory role in fighting one’s own sinful tendencies, is unheard of in many Christian churches.

God’s love has widely been declared as “unconditional,” apparently meaning, that contrary to what Paul would tell us, God is quite okay with being mocked by believers who refuse to abandon or even resist their sinful ways. Off and on, through the ages, the world has scoffed at biblical morals. Many churches have simply caved-in on such matters, as they affirm open homosexuality, some to the point of performing same-sex marriages. Then, they market their disbelief and compromise as “love.”

At some point, the church replaced its God-given mandate to preach the Gospel and to make disciples for Jesus with its own man-conceived mandate of “growing the church.” Compromising the Gospel becomes inevitable whenever it ceases to be central. Certainly, we need to be awakened to grace whenever we fall into a mindset of works salvation. But, when the doctrine of grace is twisted by “the ignorant and the unstable” or by those who preach to tickle the ears of their hearers, believers must be aroused from the coma that ensues.  A gospel that redefines sin is not the Gospel of Christ. Any grace that dismisses essential attributes of God’s character or of His holy hatred of our sin is not the grace of God revealed in the cross. On the contrary, it entirely misses the entire point of both grace and the cross.

1What shall we say then? Are we to continue to sin that grace may abound? 2By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?  - Romans 6:1,2

The stupor of twisted grace wholly misses the point of true grace. If the shoe fits, snap out of it!

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